D.A. Howard’s R.I.S.E. Initiative More Than Doubles Graduates in 2nd Year

HOME Education D.A. Howard’s R.I.S.E. Initiative More Than Doubles Graduates in 2nd Year...

Macon Judicial Circuit District Attorney Anita Howard’s R.I.S.E. (Restoring Inspiration by Success in Education) Initiative is set to celebrate the achievements of 68 graduates at the Second Annual R.I.S.E. Graduation on Thursday, December 21, 2023. The ceremony will take place at Lundy Chapel Baptist Church beginning at 10:30 a.m. and will feature Keynote Speaker Congressman Sanford Bishop, whose instrumental role in securing a $250,000 Congressional appropriations grant has significantly contributed to the expansion of this vital Initiative.

Each student graduating on Thursday will have completed their own unique requirements for graduation, curated by a Fast Track Panel of education specialists, mental health professionals, and related community partners. Since its inception in 2022, this Initiative has experienced remarkable growth. In its first year, R.I.S.E. celebrated 26 graduates, a number that has surged to 68 in 2023. The Initiative aims to double its impact in 2024, furthering its mission to provide even more students with opportunities to expand their perspectives and to grow their passion for learning and personal achievement, thereby infusing them with essential hope for the future and contributing to the improvement of public safety in our Circuit.

For more information, to become a R.I.S.E. Ambassador, or to refer a child in need, please call Jeremy Raines, Director of Outreach Services, at 478-245-6926 or visit www.maconjudicialcircuitda.com/rise2.
